Saturday, March 7, 2009

Teaching the Net Generation

When people comment on my job of teaching teenagers, I always say, "they are the most amazing people"! Here is a video that proves it:

Are we holding them back?


  1. Hey Nancy,
    I really love the video! The kids are being very creative and speaking for themselves. It also shows that how insightful they already are or will be only if we give them the guidance they ask for, the trust they need from us and most importantly is for us to listen to them..

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. Hi Nancy,
    Love the video. The kids mentioned "following the rules". That's how I feel. My administration is so set on doing it there way or there is "hec" to pay. I often feel as the students and I feel that I limit their progress and mine because of "the rules".

  3. Yes, some of us are holding the kids back. Those kids in the video are telling us what we are doing wrong. We must step out our comfort zone, and some of us do not want to evolve with the rest of the world. We want to mold them the same way we were molded, but times, teaching methods and learning styles have changed and we must adapt and improve them if possible, if we want to really give the opportunity of success to our students. Our kids learning styles and needs are completely different from ours. Some people blame the television, my space, and the mp3 for the low academic performance of our student, but what we really need to do is use the same technology to engage them in their academic learning process.
